On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 5:55 PM Chris Brody <chris.br...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Savepoints (<https://www.sqlite.org/lang_savepoint.html>)?

Savepoints are still part of a transaction, so not visible to readers until
Daniel's use case wants each transaction to become visible to readers, so
savepoint do not apply here.
Daniel wants regular transactions to become savepoints basically.

Sounds a bit like Oracle's configurable RETENTION policy on UNDO/REDO logs.
Which allow SELECT ... AS OF (timepoint | SCN), i.e. queries in the past.
You don't mention
it Daniel, but if you can rollback to a given TX, you can also query at the
time of that TX.

This is an interesting use-case. But the WAL file is changes to the DB not
yet in the DB file.
After checkpointing, the DB file is updated with those changes, but even if
you keep the part
of the WAL that was checkpointed, you still cannot go back in time. You
need the "reverse"
of what's in the WAL file, i.e. the "UNDO" log, the old values from the DB
file overwritten during
checkpointing. Or you don't have a DB file at all anymore, and the WAL file
*is* the DB. But
then the older your DB gets (the more TX are added), the slower its gets.

So basically:
1) WAL mode only has REDO logs.
2) JOURNAL mode only has UNDO logs.

And your requirements call for both REDO and UNDO logs IMHO.
I'm not an SQLite or Oracle expert, thus take the above with a grain of
salt :). --DD
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