On Sat, 6 Oct 2018 21:21:38 +0100
Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

>  There is never any point in this process when a manager looks at
> what's being done with Excel and says "Okay we need to hire a
> programmer to turn this into a proper App.".

Hmm, there is such a point.  I used to do work like that, and there
were others in the firm who did, too.  Still are. afaik.  

Modeling and prototyping get done by analysts with numerical and
statistical tools: Excel, sure, but also SAS, Matlab, R, etc.  Not
infrequently, some sinister stew cooked up with a database or two
added (or taken from).  If the model/prototype proves useful, it will
be reimplemented as a production application in a "real language"
to keep better control of the computational result.  The more users,
the more control is needed,  because fools^Wusers are so inventive.  

It's actually a gargantuan, industry-wide, systemic waste of time.  If
the core of the model could be be extracted from its GUI and inserted
as a module in a production program, millions of man-hours could be
saved every year.  

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