On Thu, 11 Oct 2018 09:51:15 -0500, Balaji Ramanathan 
<balaji.ramanat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>    2. Re: SQLite mailing list
> The 1990's called and they want their mailing lists back.  So, let us
> switch to 21st century technology already.

New is not necessarily better, old is not necessarily worse. Those who
forget history are condemned to repeat it.

> Count me in as an enthusiastic YES vote for proper forums (including
> subforums - so that I can read what I want and skip the rest instead
> of drowning in irrelevant emails with hundreds or thousands of lines of
> included, quoted emails).

And yet you read the digest! A very good way to be overwhelmed, one of
the good things about mailing lists that you can see everything
separately and only read the ones you are interested in. And you want
sub-forums, so we'll all have to go through each sub-forum looking for
things of interest.

> Or maybe we can have everybody fax everybody else?

Ha Ha.

> An entire mailing list with no technical discussion except whether to
> retain the mailing list or not.  I can only shake my head in amazement
> . . .

That's just silly, if you got individual mails you could ignore the
threads you don't want to read, there really is plenty of technical
discussion. But since you replied to the digest your post won't be
included in the right thread, and nor will this response - aaaargh!

ms fnd in a lbry
sqlite-users mailing list

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