On 13/10/2018 16:28, Balaji Ramanathan wrote:
    8. Re: sqlite-users Digest, Vol 130, Issue 11 (Shawn Wagner)
On Thu, 11 Oct 2018 09:51:15 -0500, Balaji Ramanathan <
balaji.ramanat...@gmail.com> wrote:

    2. Re: SQLite mailing list

The 1990's called and they want their mailing lists back.  So, let us
switch to 21st century technology already.

And yet you read the digest! A very good way to be overwhelmed, one of
the good things about mailing lists that you can see everything
separately and only read the ones you are interested in. And you want
sub-forums, so we'll all have to go through each sub-forum looking for
things of interest.

     Well, if there is one thing that is more annoying than one email, it
is multiple emails.  If it weren't for the digest option, I probably
wouldn't be subscribed to the sqlite mailing list at all.  Emails are one
of the worst productivity killers ever invented, which is why every company
wants to move from emails, and will try practically anything else to try to
kill the beast.  Believe me, email is the bathwater that came with the
internet baby.

Just because you (and one or two others) can't manage email, those of us who have been successfully doing so for nigh-on four decades (or more) have to change everything?

No, I don't think so.

Fora, unless they supply threading, quoting, and off-line access, are the mouldy, poisoned, rotting, stinking underside of the WWW.

That's the thing about my email archive - I can access it without needing an active internet connection, and I don't have to do anything clever to update them, it just happens.

I can run "grep" over the files, I can use IMAP search tools, I can copy them onto anther storage media to take them with me when I know I will not be able to access them (not for just when the internet is unavailable, having a back-pocket full of everything when you are on-site and security requirements prevent external access is bloody useful!).

Companies want to move from email because idiot-level MBAs who haven't got the brains god gave to bastard geese in Ireland tell them that it will reduce their costs. If they hired competent managers and structured their business units well they would already be reducing costs, but doing that requires too much of the rarest element in the universe: Common Sense.

Moving support to a fora won't stop me using SQLite, but I won't bother monitoring for problems or attempting to report them. I'll just roll-back broken versions, and when a new version comes out, see if it fixes the problem.

Yes, I am a snarky, reactionary BOFH, and people have been asking me if my name is "Simon" since the middle of the 1980s. ;-)

                Gary    B-)
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