> On Nov 20, 2018, at 11:44 AM, Bill Hashman <bill.hash...@protocad-inc.com> 
> wrote:
> The timestamp from iOS systems is not compliant with ISO 8601/Unix or other 
> common timestamps.  It appears apple has their start date offset 31 years.

Yes, the ‘epoch’ in Apple’s own APIs (CoreFoundation, Foundation) is 1/1/2001, 
expressed as a double. But of course the POSIX APIs on Apple platforms use the 
regular Unix epoch of 1/1/1970 as integer. So apparently the app that generated 
this database explicitly decided to use Apple’s epoch.

>  *   Is this something that could be built into the ODBC driver source?

SQLite doesn’t have a date or timestamp type. It just has some functions that 
parse and generate ISO date-time strings. So this doesn’t seem like an issue at 
the SQLite level; it’s just a schema mismatch.

(Does SQL itself have a numeric timestamp type, or explicitly endorse the POSIX 
epoch for numeric timestamps?)

>  *   Could there be an option or built in filter that recognizes that the 
> timestamp data is not ISO 8601/Unix compliant but it's in iOS timestamp 
> format?  And then it reads the data and then correctly maps the iOS timestamp 
> data to be ISO 8601/Unix compliant?

I have no idea how you could detect that! How would a piece of code know 
whether a number in a column is supposed to represent a date in 1980 or a date 
in 2010? The fact that the value is a float vs an integer doesn’t help; I’m 
sure there are databases that store POSIX-epoch timestamps with sub-second 
precision, and databases that store Apple timestamps as integers.

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