I know nothing about "Time Machine", but does it copy the entire filesystem in 
(at least) "crash consistent" state?  

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: sqlite-users [mailto:sqlite-users-
>boun...@mailinglists.sqlite.org] On Behalf Of Daniel Alm
>Sent: Tuesday, 11 December, 2018 05:02
>To: sqlite-users@mailinglists.sqlite.org
>Subject: [sqlite] Mac: Users receive "database disk image is
>malformed" errors after restoring database from Time Machine backup
>For the past half year we’ve been receiving reports from users who
>had restored their SQLite-based databases from a Time Machine backup.
>Afterwards, they would receive "database disk image is malformed”
>errors. The app also backs up the user’s data “manually” to a ZIP
>file every week; those backups seem to be working fine. We also
>haven’t received reports from other backup tools causing issues. I
>have also suspected a bug in Time Machine, but it is striking that
>the issues did seem to start occurring after an update to the app
>(luckily, in fact, with the same update that also introduced the
>“manual” backups).
>Changes that we made to our setup in the update that coincided with
>the errors occurring:
>- Upgraded SQLite from 3.21 to 3.24 (we have since reverted to 3.23.1
>in another update; no improvement).
>- Used memory mapping for read accesses via “PRAGMA mmap_size =
>1073741824;” (we have since reverted to “PRAGMA mmap_size = 0;” after
>reading http://sqlite.1065341.n5.nabble.com/Re-Database-corruption-
>PRAGMA-fullfsync-on-macOS-td95366.html>; no improvement).
>- Using a secondary database via [ATTACH
><https://www.sqlite.org/lang_attach.html>) (although this also seems
>to occur for users without such a database).
>At this point, I am at a loss, especially given that SQLite should be
>fairly robust against database corruption. While our app is running
>in the background all the time, it is not very write-heavy (~ one
>transaction per minute taking just a few milliseconds). Also, the app
>had been running fine before the update for a long time without any
>reports of this issue. I might be doing something wrong or have
>changed anything else, but I don’t know what; if you have any ideas,
>let me know.
>Any suggestions on what could be the culprit or what else I could try
>besides downgrading all the way to SQLite 3.21 would be appreciated.
>Daniel Alm
>P.S.: Our database currently uses the following PRAGMAs:
>PRAGMA mmap_size = 0;
>PRAGMA page_size = 4096;
>PRAGMA cache_size = -10240;
>PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;
>PRAGMA journal_size_limit = 8388608;
>PRAGMA checkpoint_fullfsync = 1;
>PRAGMA wal_autocheckpoint = 2048;
>PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;
>Happy to provide any more details as needed.
>sqlite-users mailing list

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