On 15 Dec 2018, at 10:15, Frank Millman wrote:

Simon Slavin says ‘Currency amounts should be stored as integers’. Does this apply to sqlite3 specifically, or is that your recommendation for all databases?

It doesn't matter whether a database is involved.

Using integers for currency amounts is long established as
the only way to do the arithmetic needed for accounting.
I'm not sure when I first learned this; it was surely more
than 40 years ago. I wish I could cite a reference.

You need to count farthings, pennies, centimes, millièmes,
or whatever the smallest denomination of the currency is,
and arrange appropriate display filtering.

In 1972 or so, I learned PL/I, which then had a "STERLING"
data type for representing sums as pounds, shillings, and
pence. I gather from what a quick web search shows of
current IBM documentation that this data type is no longer
(advertised as) supported.

Best regards,

Niall O'Reilly
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