Try creating a fresh project, call it sqliteshell.exe

The amalgamation zip has a file called shell.c

Add the files shell.c, sqlite3.c, and sqlite3.h to the new project


See if you still get any errors. The shell.c program is the command line utility. See if you still get any errors.

Scott Doctor

On 12/21/2018 13:02, Larry Brasfield wrote:
Zydeholic wrote:
➢ I compile and get one error: Severity    Code    Description    Project    
File    Line    Suppression State Error    LNK2001    unresolved external 
symbol _sqlite3_version    sqlite_try_3    
C:\Users\DSNoS\source\repos\sqlite_try_3\sqlite_try_3\sqlite3.obj    1

That symbol is declared, and a definition for the object so named is coded, in 
the sqlite3.c amalgamation without the possibility of omission by the 
preprocessor.  So I find it exceedingly strange that your link operation is 
complaining of an unresolvable reference to that symbol in sqlite3.obj.  For a 
C compilation, which you certainly should be using for that C source, the name 
should be undecorated, except for the leading underscore, just as it appears in 
the above-quoted error message.  This leads me to believe you are doing 
something too strange for anybody to guess with the information provided so far.

You may notice that this thread is misnamed for this latest difficulty, since 
the code does actually compile.  If I had to name it accurately, it would be 
called: [off topic] Need build instructions for my project which uses SQLite in 
a development environment differing from the one actually supported by the 
SQLite team.

Some questions to ask yourself as you attempt to sort this out:
1. Am I compiling the .c sources as C language?
2. Have I modified the sources everybody assumes are as released by the SQLite 
3. What does insight does dumpbin.exe, (the VC command line tool for showing 
compiled image content), provide into my link errors?
4. How does my sqlite3.obj differ from the one I get following step 19 at , and why?
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