Okay, I know this is just me being lazy, but I have a data file with JSON data, 
and I want to get the data into an sqlite database so I can run queries against 
it. It is not a large file, only about 600 records in the main table. I've 
never worked with JSON before, and really don't want to write my own parser to 
extract he data.
Is there a tool out there that will more or less automate the task for me? 
Hopefully free, as no one is paying me to do this. (The other volunteers have 
maybe a dozen records in total and are doing their reports by hand. )

A cursory look at the data: there is a top level "event" table.  "Group" and 
"venue" tables that are one-to-one with the event table, and a "hosts" tables 
with many hosts to the event table. 

This is something that I will need to do once a year, so like I said, I really 
don't want to write a custom program.
Any ideas?
(Oh, to complicate things, the source data is not valid JSON, as the upstream 
source did not escape quote marks within the text.  So is there a tool that can 
clean up the quotes, hopefully there won't be many bad quotes... maybe three or 
four in the 600 record.)
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