On Sat, 19 Jan 2019 08:07:42 -0500
Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> The busy timeout is not working because you start out your transaction
> using a read operation - the first SELECT statement - which gets a
> read lock.  Later when you go to COMMIT, this has to elevate to a
> write lock.  But SQLite sees that some other process has already
> updated the database since you started your read.  

Another solution is to rely on atomicity in SQL: 

        insert into t
        select :pid, nrows, N
        from (select 1 as N union select 2 union select 3) as cardinals
        cross join (select :pid, count(*) as nrows from t) as how_many;

By using a single SQL statement, you avoid a user-defined transaction
and any proprietary transaction qualifiers.  

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