Hi Keith,

thanks for your response (which partly goes beyond my understanding, but I'm learning :-)).

But you are not using the same "expression" for selecting, sorting, and 
grouping.  That is, you need to specify:

   SELECT expression, count(distinct id)
     FROM artists
GROUP BY expression
ORDER BY expression;

where expression is the expression that you want to use

   SELECT substr(name collate de_DE, 1, 1), count(distinct id)
     FROM artists
GROUP BY substr(name collate de_DE, 1, 1)
ORDER BY substr(name collate de_DE, 1, 1);

If you do not do so then you cannot expect the "GROUP BY" to be using the same ordering 
as the "ORDER BY" nor the select to be returning the same value that was used to do the 
grouping and sorting.

Ok, tried that:

SELECT SUBSTR(contributors.namesort COLLATE de_DE , 1, 1)
FROM contributors
GROUP BY SUBSTR(contributors.namesort COLLATE de_DE , 1, 1)
ORDER BY SUBSTR(contributors.namesort COLLATE de_DE , 1, 1)

Resulted in:


Whereas this:

SELECT contributors.name, contributors.namesort COLLATE de_DE
FROM contributors
ORDER BY contributors.namesort COLLATE de_DE

...resulted in this:

  ["Roddy Woomble & Band", "RODDY WOOMBLE BAND"],
  ["Samuel Yirga", "SAMUEL YIRGA"],
  ["Stephin Merritt", "STEPHIN MERRITT"],
  ["Šuma Čovjek", "ŠUMA ČOVJEK"],
  ["Syriana", "SYRIANA"],
  ["Tom Griesgraber", "TOM GRIESGRABER"],

So despite my using the same expression for the GROUP as for the ORDER, the grouping seems to ignore the collation, whereas the sorting alone would not.

I'm using the ICU extension (otherwise the sorting wouldn't work either, right?). Could that extension be responsible for this odd behaviour?

I've put a small sample .db file in my dropbox:

(This substitutes the collation NOCASE for the de_DE since I no have a de_DE 

sqlite> select substr(name collate nocase, 1, 1), count(distinct id)
    ...>   FROM artists
    ...> group by substr(name collate nocase, 1, 1)
    ...> order by substr(name collate nocase, 1, 1);
|--SCAN TABLE artists (~1048576 rows)
addr  opcode         p1    p2    p3    p4             p5  comment
----  -------------  ----  ----  ----  -------------  --  -------------
0     Init           0     57    0                    00  Start at 57
1     Noop           1     4     0                    00
2     SorterOpen     3     3     0     k(1,NOCASE)    00
3     Integer        0     5     0                    00  r[5]=0; clear abort 
4     Null           0     8     8                    00  r[8..8]=NULL
5     Gosub          7     52    0                    00
6     OpenRead       0     3     0     2              00  root=3 iDb=0; artists
7     ColumnsUsed    0     0     0     3              00
8     Explain        8     0     0     SCAN TABLE artists (~1048576 rows)  00
9     Noop           0     0     0                    00  Begin WHERE-loop0: 
10    Rewind         0     20    0                    00
11      Noop           0     0     0                    00  Begin WHERE-core
12      Column         0     1     13                   00  r[13]=artists.name
13      Function0      6     13    10    substr(3)      03  
14      Column         0     1     11                   00  r[11]=artists.name
15      Column         0     0     12                   00  r[12]=artists.id
16      MakeRecord     10    3     16                   00  
17      SorterInsert   3     16    0                    00  key=r[16]
18      Noop           0     0     0                    00  End WHERE-core
19    Next           0     11    0                    01
20    Noop           0     0     0                    00  End WHERE-loop0: 
21    OpenPseudo     4     16    3                    00  3 columns in r[16]
22    SorterSort     3     56    0                    00  GROUP BY sort
23      SorterData     3     16    4                    00  r[16]=data
24      Column         4     0     9                    00  r[9]=
25      Compare        8     9     1     k(1,NOCASE)    00  r[8] <-> r[9]
26      Jump           27    31    27                   00
27      Move           9     8     1                    00  r[8]=r[9]
28      Gosub          6     44    0                    00  output one row
29      IfPos          5     56    0                    00  if r[5]>0 then 
r[5]-=0, goto 56; check abort flag
30      Gosub          7     52    0                    00  reset accumulator
31      Column         4     2     17                   00  r[17]=
32      Found          2     36    17    1              00  key=r[17]
33      MakeRecord     17    1     18                   00  r[18]=mkrec(r[17])
34      IdxInsert      2     18    17    1              10  key=r[18]
35      AggStep        0     17    2     count(1)       01  accum=r[2] 
36      If             4     38    0                    00
37      Column         4     1     1                    00  r[1]=
38      Integer        1     4     0                    00  r[4]=1; indicate 
data in accumulator
39    SorterNext     3     23    0                    00
40    Gosub          6     44    0                    00  output final row
41    Goto           0     56    0                    00
42    Integer        1     5     0                    00  r[5]=1; set abort flag
43    Return         6     0     0                    00
44    IfPos          4     46    0                    00  if r[4]>0 then 
r[4]-=0, goto 46; Groupby result generator entry point
45    Return         6     0     0                    00
46    AggFinal       2     1     0     count(1)       00  accum=r[2] N=1
47    Copy           1     21    0                    00  r[21]=r[1]
48    Function0      6     21    19    substr(3)      03  r[19]=func(r[21..23])
49    Copy           2     20    0                    00  r[20]=r[2]
50    ResultRow      19    2     0                    00  output=r[19..20]
51    Return         6     0     0                    00  end groupby result 
52    Null           0     1     3                    00  r[1..3]=NULL
53    OpenEphemeral  2     0     0     k(1,B)         00  nColumn=0
54    Integer        0     4     0                    00  r[4]=0; indicate 
accumulator empty
55    Return         7     0     0                    00
56    Halt           0     0     0                    00
57    Transaction    0     0     2     0              01  usesStmtJournal=0
58    Integer        1     14    0                    00  r[14]=1
59    Integer        1     15    0                    00  r[15]=1
60    Integer        1     22    0                    00  r[22]=1
61    Integer        1     23    0                    00  r[23]=1
62    Goto           0     1     0                    00


That is

select name collate nocase, count(distinct id) from x group by name
collate nocase order by name collate nocase

whill produce cased output not the value that was used for the

select lower(name collate nocase), count(distinct id) from x group
by name collate nocase order by name collate nocase;

to transmorgificate name into a "caseless" representation.  So you
would need to do something like this:

select de_DE(substr(name collate de_DE,1,1)), count(distinct id)
from artists
group by substr(name collate de_DE,1,1)
order by by substr(name collate de_DE,1,1)

and the function de_DE would have to transmorgificate its value to
the result you want to see.

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to
Heaven says a lot about anticipated traffic volume.

-----Original Message-----
From: sqlite-users [mailto:sqlite-users-
boun...@mailinglists.sqlite.org] On Behalf Of li...@herger.net
Sent: Thursday, 7 February, 2019 05:12
To: sqlite-users@mailinglists.sqlite.org
Subject: [sqlite] GROUP BY and ICU collation

Hi there,

I'm trying to create a list with an index list. Eg. I have

Šuma Čovjek
Suzanne Vega

That's the sort order I'd get using an ICU collation. "Šuma
would be sorted as "Suma..." as expected.

Now I'd like to create an index bar by providing groups of the

SELECT SUBSTR(name,1,1), count(distinct id) FROM artists GROUP
SUBSTR(name,1,1) ORDER BY name COLLATE de_DE>>
Aren't you missing a COLLATE clause after the GROUP BY term?

       ... GROUP BY SUBSTR(name,1,1) COLLATE de_DE ...

TBH: I didn't even know about this. I thought the COLLATE at the
the statement would do it for all.

Alas, tried again to no avail. No matter whether I add it after
GROUP BY or not, the result is the same.

I should probably have added some version information: I'm using
Perl DBD::SQLite 1.58 (sqlite 3.22.0). I didn't see any mention of
related changes in the changelog for SQLite. What would be the
(and most reliable) way to try to reproduce this without Perl? Is
a HowTo use collations with the CLI sqlite?



The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

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