On 2/19/19, dave <d...@ziggurat29.com> wrote:
> I noticed that in 3.26 a feature was added whereby a proposed execution plan
> can be rejected in vtables by returning SQLITE_CONSTRAINT.  I welcome this
> addition, but I have lost a capability relative to the prior scheme of using
> high query cost along with a special flag communicated in pIdxInfo->idxNum,
> that being the ablilty to emit contextual info as to why the query failed.

Yeah.  There is no way to report an error out of xBestIndex.  And, in
fact, you would not want to do that because one or more xBestIndex
calls might actually work.  Or, there might be multiple xBestIndex
calls that all fail for different reasons, in which case it is unclear
which error should be reported.

I will ponder your request.  In the meantime, you can continue to use
the old method, which still works like it always has.

D. Richard Hipp
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