The insert sequence does not work in all cases.  This fixes one particular 
problem of duplicate or changed linkage to parent in Alpha:Charlie ...
create trigger trg_summary_insert
instead of insert on summary
for each row
insert or ignore into Alpha (a_attribute) values (new.a_attribute);
insert or ignore into Beta (b_attribute) values (new.b_attribute);
select raise(ABORT,'c_attribute has different a_attribute parent') 
  from Charlie 
 where c_attribute == new.c_attribute 
   and a_id != (select id from Alpha where a_attribute == new.a_attribute);
insert or ignore into Charlie (c_attribute, a_id) values (new.c_attribute, 
(select id from Alpha where a_attribute == new.a_attribute));
insert or abort into AlphaBeta values ((select id from Alpha where a_attribute 
== new.a_attribute),
                                       (select id from Beta where b_attribute 
== new.b_attribute));

That is, you need to throw an error if c_attribute is already linked to a 
different a_attribute, otherwise you can insert or ignore into Charlie.

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: sqlite-users [mailto:sqlite-users-
>] On Behalf Of Keith Medcalf
>Sent: Wednesday, 20 February, 2019 09:44
>To: SQLite Users (
>Subject: Re: [sqlite] What is the recommended way to write to views?
>Or as a trigger of course:
>create table Alpha
> id          integer primary key,
> a_attribute text not null collate nocase unique
>create table Beta
> id          integer primary key,
> b_attribute text not null collate nocase unique
>create table Charlie
> id          integer primary key,
> c_attribute text not null collate nocase unique,
> a_id        integer not null references Alpha
>create index Charlie_a_id on Charlie (a_id);
>create table AlphaBeta
> a_id        integer not null references Alpha,
> b_id        integer not null references Beta,
> unique(a_id, b_id),
> unique(b_id, a_id)
>create view Summary (a_attribute, b_attribute, c_attribute)
>as select a_attribute,
>          b_attribute,
>          c_attribute
>     from Alpha, Beta, Charlie, AlphaBeta
>    where == Charlie.a_id
>      and == AlphaBeta.a_id
>      and == AlphaBeta.b_id
>create trigger trg_summary_insert
>instead of insert on summary
>for each row
>insert or ignore into Alpha (a_attribute) values (new.a_attribute);
>insert or ignore into Beta (b_attribute) values (new.b_attribute);
>insert into Charlie (c_attribute, a_id) values (new.c_attribute,
>(select id from Alpha where a_attribute == new.a_attribute));
>insert into AlphaBeta values ((select id from Alpha where a_attribute
>== new.a_attribute),
>                              (select id from Beta where b_attribute
>== new.b_attribute));
>Note that I fixed the subselects when I originally wrote them I
>followed the rule that "columns containing the same data should have
>the same name" yet did not follow that rule when creating the schema.
>Sorry bout that.
>Nonetheless, you probably want to use source programming to maintain
>the database properly rather than relying on triggers, unless you
>plan to write a "whole set of them" (update, delete) so you can
>"pretend" that a complicated relational data structure is "just a
>However the instead of trigger does have the advantage of being one
>compiled as a single plan, and does get around the daftness of some
>database interfaces.
>The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven
>says a lot about anticipated traffic volume.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Keith Medcalf []
>>Sent: Wednesday, 20 February, 2019 09:24
>>To: 'SQLite mailing list'
>>Subject: RE: [sqlite] What is the recommended way to write to views?
>>Your constraints are logically inconsistent and incompletely
>>>Alpha has-many Beta,and
>>>Beta has-many Alpha
>>>Alpha has-many Charlie, while
>>>Charlie has one Alpha
>>Implies that:
>>Alpha:Beta is N:M and Beta:Alpha is N:M.  Fine.
>>but you did not say whether the instant relationships are unique.
>>(That is, whether one specific Alpha may have only one Beta as a
>>child, or it may have multiple instances of the same Beta as a
>>child).  We will assume that the set is unique and enforce that.
>>Alpha:Charlie is 1:N and Charlie:Alpha is N:1.  Fine.
>>You also did not specify how to handle NULL attributes.  Since how
>>you do this makes significant changes to the processing and
>>of the database, we will assume that you simply forgot about the
>>possibility of null values and thus assume that attributes will not
>>be null.  Further we assume that the attribute comprises an entire
>>candidate key and therefore is unique in each set.
>>(where do you get such silly column names from for the foreign key
>>linkage fields, it looks like some idiotic "lets put a bunch o'junk
>>as prefixes on a variable name to embed the context into the name,
>>just cuz we can and that is our (albeit foolish) standard.  Mutatis
>>mutandis the N:M join table.  And why are you using AUTOINCREMENT
>>are you overloading some meaning onto the id's rather than just
>>it for linkage?)
>>create table Alpha
>> id          integer primary key,
>> a_attribute text not null collate nocase unique
>>create table Beta
>> id          integer primary key,
>> b_attribute text not null collate nocase unique
>>create table Charlie
>> id          integer primary key,
>> c_attribute text not null collate nocase unique,
>> a_id        integer not null references Alpha
>>create index Charlie_a_id on Charlie (a_id);
>>create table AlphaBeta
>> a_id        integer not null references Alpha,
>> b_id        integer not null references Beta,
>> unique(a_id, b_id),
>> unique(b_id, a_id)
>>create view Summary (a_attribute, b_attribute, c_attribute)
>>as select a_attribute,
>>          b_attribute,
>>          c_attribute
>>     from Alpha, Beta, Charlie, AlphaBeta
>>    where == Charlie.a_id
>>      and == AlphaBeta.a_id
>>      and == AlphaBeta.b_id
>>To add a record you need to do the following in your programming
>>begin immediate;
>>insert or ignore into Alpha (a_attribute) values (?);    -- where
>>bind a_attribute
>>select id from Alpha where a_attribute == ?;             -- where
>>bind a_attribute and save the a_id returned
>>insert or ignore into Beta (b_attribute) values (?);     -- where
>>bind b_attribute
>>select id from Beta where b_attribute == ?;              -- where
>>bind b_attribute and save the b_id returned
>>insert into Charlie (c_attribute, a_id) values (?, ?);   -- where
>>bind c_attribute and the saved a_id
>>insert into AlphaBeta values (a_id, b_id) values (?, ?); -- where
>>bind the a_id and b_id
>>If an error is thrown at any step (anywhere in the sequence) then
>>your insert data is inconsistent and you must rollback the
>>Alternatively, you may do something like the following:
>>begin immediate;
>>insert or ignore into Alpha (a_attribute) values (:a_attribute);
>>insert or ignore into Beta (b_attribute) values (:b_attribute);
>>insert into Charlie (c_attribute, a_id) values (:c_attribute,
>>a_id from Alpha where a_attribute == :a_attribute));
>>insert into AlphaBeta values ((select a_id from Alpha where
>>a_attribute == :a_attribute),
>>                              (select b_id from Beta where
>>b_attribute == :b_attribute));
>>depending on the capabilities of your source language interface.  I
>>would use the second because my source language interface knows how
>>to run "batches" of statements and how to bind from a named
>>dictionary (plus it only requires caching 4 statement plans as
>>opposed to 6), though in the grand scheme of things the performance
>>is about the same.
>>If you were inserting a bunch of data (as in from parsing a CSV
>>for example) then you might want to only begin one transaction for
>>the whole mess and use savepoints around each row, then commit the
>>single transaction as a whole.  For performance you know, since
>>spinning rust is limited in how many transactions it can perform per
>>second and the I/O rate.
>>The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to
>>says a lot about anticipated traffic volume.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: sqlite-users [mailto:sqlite-users-
>>>] On Behalf Of Rocky Ji
>>>Sent: Wednesday, 20 February, 2019 04:14
>>>To: SQLite mailing list
>>>Subject: [sqlite] What is the recommended way to write to views?
>>>Hi everyone,
>>>I know the simple answer to be `instead of insert ...`. But
>>>situation where:
>>>Alpha has-many Beta,and
>>>Beta has-many Alpha
>>>Alpha has-many Charlie, while
>>>Charlie has one Alpha
>>>So if my SQL looks like:
>>>-- PRAGMA fk ON;
>>>create table Alpha (
>>>    a_id integer primary key autoincrement,
>>>    a_attribute text
>>>create table Beta (
>>>    b_id integer primary key autoincrement,
>>>    b_attribute real
>>>create table Charlie (
>>>    c_id integer primary key autoincrement,
>>>    c_attribute text,
>>>    FK_C_a_id integer,
>>>    constraint abc foreign key (FK_C_a_id) references Alpha (a_id)
>>>create table m2mAlphaBeta (
>>>    _id integer primary key autoincrement,
>>>    FK_a_id integer,
>>>    FK_b_id integer,
>>>    constraint def foreign key (FK_a_id) references Alpha (a_id),
>>>    constraint ghi foreign key (FK_b_id) references Beta (b_id)
>>>create view summary
>>>    select
>>>        a.a_attribute,
>>>        b.b_attribute,
>>>        c.c_attribute
>>>    from
>>>        m2mAlphaBeta m
>>>        inner join Alpha a on a.a_id = m.FK_a_id
>>>        inner join Beta b on b.b_id = m.FK_b_id
>>>        inner join Charlie c on c.FK_C_a_id = a.a_id
>>>And assuming all incoming data (say from CSV read) is correct. How
>>>write a record to `summary`?
>>>Like how do I get ROWID of the "just inserted" record in A to
>>>into C
>>>properly. I am thinking "should I make transactions, but we don't
>>>variables"... and going round-and-round without solution.
>>>Please recommend the canonical way to write to such views.
>>>Good day.
>>>sqlite-users mailing list
>sqlite-users mailing list

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