Hi List,
I'm seeing some oddness with Foreign Keys and was wondering what was going on.

A few days ago I did a refactor of my error codes, changing the numbers to be more logically consistent with groupings. They're in a separate table table which is referenced from a lookups table. This was done using "ON UPDATE CASCADE," on the error_code field in lookups table - this was temporary and has since been removed. I then changed the error codes in the error table and SQLite automagically updated the lookups table. Brilliant.
But today I'm seeing oddness.

I start by running:
    pragma foreign_key_check;
    pragma integrity_check;

Both return fine.

The below sample data replicates it for me.
My error table schema (with a subset of data) is:

CREATE TABLE error_codes (
    error_code INTEGER PRIMARY KEY
    error      TEXT

INSERT INTO error_codes (error_code, error) VALUES (0, 'No Error');
INSERT INTO error_codes (error_code, error) VALUES (3, 'badness');
INSERT INTO error_codes (error_code, error) VALUES (60, 'more badness');


Referencing this I have a table called lookups (shortened here):

CREATE TABLE lookups (
    content_hash       TEXT     COLLATE NOCASE,
    error_code         INTEGER  REFERENCES error_codes (error_code),
    exp_content_type   TEXT     COLLATE NOCASE
CREATE INDEX idx__content_hash ON lookups (

INSERT INTO lookups (lookup_id, content_hash, error_code, exp_content_type) VALUES (661228, '0027f2c9b80002a6', 0, 'ogc_except');

(there are 4 million rows in the actual data)

So I try and do an update on my data:
    UPDATE lookups set error_code=3 and exp_content_type='ogc_except' WHERE content_hash = '0027f2c9b80002a6';

and it fails with:
"FOREIGN KEY constraint failed"

So here's where it gets weird, the following work:
-- error_code of 0
UPDATE lookups set error_code=0 and exp_content_type='ogc_except' WHERE content_hash = '0027f2c9b80002a6';

-- setting the exp_content_type to something else
UPDATE lookups set error_code=3 and exp_content_type='SOMETHING_ELSE' WHERE content_hash = '0027f2c9b80002a6';

-- Removing the exp_content_type field:
UPDATE lookups set error_code=3 and WHERE content_hash = '0027f2c9b80002a6';

For bonus oddness, the update script is actually meant to be running in Python, which did run it successfully (even though I'm sure FK constraints remain enabled), and yet when I select the row, it shows an error_code of 1! Despite the fact the UPDATE SQL being run is very definitely "set error_code = 60".
Note that error_code 1 USED to be what is now error_code 60!

* For some reason the insertion value of an unrelated row seems to be affecting referential integrity. * For some reason when updating to error_code = 60 via Python (and I've confirmed the SQL being run does have this) it actually gets updated to error_code = 1 (what the code used to be).

Any thoughts what's going on here? I think either SQLite has its wires crossed or maybe I'm missing something (probably simple).

SQLite 3.24.0


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