On 19 Mar 2019, at 13:46, R Smith <ryansmit...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Three ways in SQL to create and fill a table with data from another:
> 1. CREATE ... AS
> Example:
> CREATE TABLE newTable AS SELECT a,b,c FROM oldTable;

> Example:
> CREATE TABLE newTable(a INT, b REAL, c TEXT);
> INSERT INTO newTable(a.b.c) SELECT a,b,c FROM oldTable;

My use case is a mixture of these. My need is to copy a row from a table in one 
db (db1) to a table with identical schema in another db (db2). The complication 
is that there is an id column, so the row needs to get a new id in db2.

At the minute I open db1, and do these steps (absid is the id column):

attach database ':memory:' as mem
create table mem.messages as select * from main.messages where 
update mem.messages set absid=null
attach database 'db2' as dst
insert into dst.messages select * from mem.messages

which works nicely but has too many steps. I've not found a way to reduce the 
step count.

Cheers  --  Tim
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