
I will investigate File::Slurper. Rather than pollute this list, send me a mail on about the issues you had.



On 3 Apr 2019, at 8:50, Shawn Wagner wrote:

Yay Perl! My favorite language. DBD::SQLite is definitely one of the
better, fuller featured sqlite bindings out there. Though Tom is using
perl6, not perl5. I have no idea how its version compares.

(At the risk of going off topic, File::Slurp has issues. File::Slurper is a
better alternative.)

On Wed, Apr 3, 2019, 12:08 AM Rob Willett <>


We use the Perl DB::SQLite module. It works very well and I cannot
recall a single issue with it in the last four years. There's not as
much support for Perl on this mailing list as it's not as popular, but
most issues you will probably encounter will be at the design level
rather than at the CPAN module level. Our working assumption is that if the DBI module looks like it has an issue, it doesn't and it's our code.
Pretty much the same as for SQLite. Whilst I know that SQLite has had
bugs, the chances of us finding them is minimal, so we assume it's our
code again.

However I can say that we use Perl for all our system code and use
SQLite within it and its fast and easy.

If you're using Perl, I would also recommend the following other
modules, this is a direct pull from our code. I've removed our code
specific modules.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use warnings;

use Switch;
use DBI;
use JSON;
use Getopt::Long; <-- Easiest way to get command line args in and
use Data::Dumper; <-- Utterly essential, don't leave home without
use Mojolicious::Lite; <-- Only need if you making a REST based server use Mojo::Parameters; <-- Only need if you making a REST based server use Mojo::URL; <-- Only need if you making a REST based server use Mojo::Log; <-- Only need if you making a REST based server
use REST::Client; <-- More rest based stuff
use Sereal::Encoder qw(encode_sereal sereal_encode_with_object);
use Sereal::Decoder qw(decode_sereal sereal_decode_with_object
use DateTime;          <-- Manage date and time properly.
use Net::Curl::Easy;
use Crypt::Random qw( makerandom );
use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger :levels);
use File::Path qw(make_path); <-- Quick and easy way to make paths and
use Net::Address::IP::Local; <-- Easy way to manipulate IP addresses.
use File::Slurp; <-- Quick and easy way to read and write files.
use Clone 'clone'; <-- You'll use a lot of objects and structures. Copy
them properly and fast.


We use Log4Perl a lot as it's easy to get things setup and then you can
modify one log file and get easy changes. Also we use Mojolicious for
all the REST code wrapping.

These are tried and tested CPAN modules that we know just work for us
and are a standard part of every new build. The most awkward one if the
curl one, there seems to be a lot of versions of the Curl::Easy stuff
which simply don't work on Mac OS X (or other OS's).

Just my 2p worth.


On 3 Apr 2019, at 0:21, Tom Browder wrote:

On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 17:30 <> wrote:

You might want to import everything into SQLite Studio or SQLite
Suite I
forget the exact name)--a freebie on the internet. I found it worked
me. In order to help others, I would appreciate it if you tell us on
usergroup how you made out. May it work for you. Peace! Alex

Thanks for the idea, Alex.

I'm doing all programmatically at the moment (using a Perl 6 module:
DB::SQLite), but using one of those tools you mentioned would help in
design for sure!

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