> > SQLite3 Decimal is an extension implementing exact decimal arithmetic 
> > for SQLite3. It is currently unfinished and under development. 
> I'm curious, what was your motivation for doing this? 
> Use cases envisioned for its use? 

Mainly financial applications. Beancount’s author
(http://furius.ca/beancount/) has a series of documents arguing convincingly
about the need for a library like this.

> > Decimals are stored as blobs and the storage format is a minor variant 
> > of decimalInfinite (https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.01598). 
> Does it use some kind of magic cookie? 


> How can you distinguish your encoding from an arbitrary blob? 

I don't. In fact, you may pass any blob, but if it doesn’t have the right
format, it results in a decoding error (which, currently, may not be very
well tolerated by the library-I have to check that).

> Unfortunately, SQLite does not support UDTs, but it did grow in recent 
> months 
> the https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/value_subtype.html API, which plays a 
> poor-man's 
> substitute when call chaining. 

Thanks, I didn’t know about subtypes. I’ll read about them, although, at a
quick glance, I am not sure how they might be used to enforce type
checking in my case.

> That OTOH has no influence on how the value will be *stored in tables*, 
> unfortunately, so you cannot have alternate representation of the value, 
> one optimized for storage, another for processing (in call chains), so maybe 
> it's all moot, mentioning this. 
> That is a totally 
> > ordered encoding, so decimals can be compared directly (memcmp()) and 
> > also indexed (does SQLite support indexes on blobs?). 
> > 
> Yes it does. 


> > As I have said, I welcome any feedback, from the super-technical to the 
> > end-user oriented. There is no manual so far, but the code is mostly 
> > documented. You may find a sample session in the repository's home page. 
> > 
> From an End-User POV, the call-chained-functions are "heavy looking”.

Yes, I agree. Keep in mind that the current interface is most likely bound
to be changed.

> So maybe a printf-like API that parses a now-looking math expression 
> and replaces its placeholders with the var-arg supplied arguments to the 
> function 
> would make the "SQL" much more readable. 
> Since you cannot extend the regular arithmetic expressions in SQLite to act 
> on your UDTs 
> differently than the built-in processing, that would be the next best thing 
> IMHO. 

I will think about that!

> All in all, it looks very well done. You're obviously a very competent 
> programmer IMHO :). 

It looks so, because I stand on the shoulder of giants ;)

> Thanks, --DD 
> PS: Seems like you're using non-ascii chars in your source code, notably 
> the #pragma mark. 
>   That's pretty, but asking for trouble IMHO, and likely to cause issues 
> for cross-platform support. 

Yes, that and a few other things need to be polished. My initial
idea was to keep this project for myself, so I took a liberal approach
style-wise. But it has grown more than I expected...

Thanks for the feedback,

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