
We are submitting the third report with two more interesting cases with
bisecting result using "SQL-Perf-Fuzzer".

This is the timeline of our activities:

  [Apr 1, 2019] Submitted 1st report (3 queries, 1 bisected commits)
    ==> confirmed the problem with correct bisect result (Apr/1)

  [Apr 2, 2019] Submitted 2nd report: 2 queries, 2 unique bisected commits
    ==> not yet confirmed

  [Apr 5, 2019] Submitted 3rd report (2 queries, 2 unique bisected commits)
    ==> this report

Here are the steps for reproducing our observations. All steps are same
except for the link to download new test-cases:

[Our test environment]
* Ubuntu 16.04 machine "Linux sludge 4.4.0-116-generic #140-Ubuntu SMP Mon
Feb 12 21:23:04 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux"
* Database: TPC-C benchmark

[Setup Test Environment]

1. build SQLite 3.27.2 (verion of Feb 2019)
  $ wget https://www.sqlite.org/2019/sqlite-src-3270200.zip
  $ unzip sqlite-src-3270200.zip
  $ mv sqlite-src-3270200 sqlite327
  $ cd sqlite327
  $ ./configure
  $ make
  $ cd ..

2. build SQLite 3.23.0 (verion of Apr 2018)
  $ wget https://www.sqlite.org/2018/sqlite-src-3230000.zip
  $ unzip sqlite-src-3230000.zip
  $ mv sqlite-src-3230000 sqlite323
  $ cd sqlite323
  $ ./configure
  $ make
  $ cd ..

3. download tpc-c for sqlite3 (scale-factor of 1)
  $ mkdir testcase
  $ cd testcase

  $ wget https://gts3.org/~/jjung/sqlite/tpcc_sqlite.tar.gz
  $ tar xzvf tpcc_sqlite.tar.gz

; download regression queries
  $ wget https://gts3.org/~/jjung/sqlite/report3.tar.gz
  $ tar xzvf report1.tar.gz
  $ cd ..

4. launch two SQLites
  - start
    $ sqlite327/sqlite3 testcase/test.db
    $ sqlite323/sqlite3 testcase/test.db

  - for each DB, set up timer
    sqlite> .timer on

 - copy and paste extracted queries

Here’s the time taken to execute four SQL queries on old (v3.23) and newer
version (v3.27.2) of SQLite (in milliseconds). We also try bisecting to
know which commit activate the regression.

| Query                |   Time |
| 10002.sql (v3.23)    |    789 |
| 10002.sql (v3.27.2)  |   1270 |
| 10052.sql (v3.23)    |   3094 |
| 10052.sql (v3.27.2)  |   4478 |

1) 10002.sql shows 60% performance regression
 - bisect fossil commit:
  === 2018-12-31 ===
  [9fb646f29c] *MERGE* Merge enhancements and bug fixes from trunk. (user:
drh tags: reuse-

2) 10052.sql shows 40% performance regression
 - bisect fossil commit:
  === 2018-12-24 ===
  [7153552bac] Improvements to EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN formatting. The
   shows a separate "INDEX" subtree for each index. SCALAR SUBQUERY entries
provide a
   subquery number that is related back to the .selecttrace output. (user:
drh tags: reuse-

Thanks for your checking and support.

Best regards,
Jinho Jung
sqlite-users mailing list

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