On 4/14/19, Lullaby Dayal <lullaby.tec...@gmail.com> wrote:
> For Sqlite database, as per my understanding, implementing pragma
> integrity_check won't guarantee all errors to be detected.

Maybe you are confused with "PRAGMA quick_check"?  The "PRAGMA
integrity_check" takes a little longer, but does a better job.  There
is very little that will slip past integrity_check.

Both of these pragmas only check the meta-data and linkage. If a bit
flips in the middle of a data field (perhaps due to a cosmic-ray hit
or something) and that field is not indexed, then there is nothing
that will detect that change.

To verify the data, you can use checksums.  The
https://www.sqlite.org/src/file/ext/misc/shathree.c extension
implements SHA3 hash functions, for example.  The CLI uses those hash
functions to checksum the data.  In the CLI you can type:

     .selftest --init

And that will create a new table named "selftest" that contains
checksums for all other tables.  Then later to verify those checksums,
run just:


You can look at the CLI source code
to see how this is implemented, and even copy/paste the CLI source
code into your application, if you want.

D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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