To answer 3 questions in one:

As noted in the FAQ, next project is to extract the source for the
server from the project it was incubated in :-)

The project is not only to make lite clients, but also lite servers that
may be installed on e.g. embedded devices. It should be as portable as
possible so I will not be adding things like OLE. (BTW, I don't know if
I mentioned but the package contains both windows and Linux binaries).

However, it is quite easy to launch the .exe from within one of the many
service app containers that are readily available if you want it as a
service app. If somebody can suggest an easy way to add service app
support as a simple compile option that can be compiled in with the
MinGW toolchain I use then I will add it.

Yes, Webapps may benefit from such a light and easy protocol.
Unfortunately, AFAIK, browser shells do not make sockets available to
scripts such as javascript, so you will need a plugin like Java or
Flash. It should be no problem to incorporate clients into these

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