Great! Now use SQLite API and add a new user defined function for your used 
I suppose that SQlite should always follow a well-defined pattern: in this case 
as Mr. Hipp said, it is IEEE754.

> On 24 May 2019, at 08:27, radovan5 <> wrote:
> In Delphi I have 2 functions that works (I override default sqlite round):
> const
>   ExtEps = 1.0842021725E-19;
>   DblEps = 2.2204460493E-16;
>   KnownErrorLimit = 1.234375;
>   SafetyFactor = 2;
>   MaxRelErrDbl = DblEps * KnownErrorLimit * SafetyFactor;
>   MaxRelErrExt = ExtEps * KnownErrorLimit * SafetyFactor;
> function RoundExt(const AValue: Extended; const ADigit: Integer = -2): 
> Extended;
> var
>   E: Extended;
> begin
>   E := IntPower(10, -ADigit);
>   Result := Round(AValue * (1 + MaxRelErrExt) * E) / E;
> end;
> function RoundDbl(const AValue: Double; const ADigit: Integer = -2): Double;
> var
>   E: Double;
> begin
>   E := IntPower(10, -ADigit);
>   Result := Round(AValue * (1 + MaxRelErrDbl) * E) / E;
> end;
> You could implement it in sqlite.
> Regards Radovan
> On 24.05.2019 13:13, Richard Hipp wrote:
>> On 5/24/19, Hajo Bruns <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> the round function seems to round inconsistently:
>>> ivesselect round(5.485,2), round (3.555,2),round (3.255,2)
>>> gives
>>> 5,49      3,56      3,25
>>> Last result should be 3.26
>> 3.255 cannot be exactly represented as an IEEE754 double-precision
>> binary floating point number.  So the system has to use an
>> approximation.  The closest approximation is
>> 3.25499999999999989341858963598497211933135986328125 and that value
>> rounds to 3.25.
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