I am facing a crash in sqlite3fts5BufferAppendBlob. Following is the

#0  sqlite3Fts5BufferAppendBlob (pRc=pRc@entry=0xf54139c8,
pBuf=pBuf@entry=0xf5afeb90, nData=4294967295, pData=0xf49fff76 "90246ture")
at sqlite3.c:180474 

#1  0xf717b6f8 in fts5WriteAppendTerm (p=p@entry=0xf54139a8,
pWriter=pWriter@entry=0xf5afeb84, nTerm=5, pTerm=0xf49fff70
"06280290246ture") at sqlite3.c:188868 

#2  0xf717bf29 in fts5IndexMergeLevel (p=p@entry=0xf54139a8,
ppStruct=ppStruct@entry=0xf5afec3c, iLvl=3, pnRem=0xf5afec38) at

There is an apparent bug in sqlite3fts5BufferAppendBlob where it is
asserting for check on nData < 0 but nData is actually u32. The nData should
be int, not u32. I am using version but the bug is present in the
latest version as well.

Also, if you notice in frame #0, the nData passed is 0xffffffff which is -1.
It was calculated to be -1 in frame #1 where it did nTerm - nPrefix. The
nPrefix value came out to be 6 and nTerm was 5. I want to know when this
nPrefix becomes > nTerm ? 

Nikhil Bhandari 

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