So my system using SQLite consists of multiple executables. One is a VS2015
.Net 4.6.2 app, there are two more that are VS2008 C++ applications.

At the moment I am using the officially compiled version
of System.Data.SQLite for the VS2015 program, and compiling sqlite.dll for
the VS2008 C++ programs to my liking.

My current task is to consolidate things better with the ultimate goal
being to do away with the VS2008 C++ programs and move everything to
VS2015.  I am thinking that step one should be to get ALL the programs
using the EXACT same copy of SQLite.  So I have questions:

   1. Is it better for unmanaged code to use the  SQLite.Interop.dll or
   have the managed code use a sqlite.dll?
   2. Is there a way to compile System.Data.SQLite.2015 such that the
   SQLite.Interop dll can be used by the older VS2008 C++ Programs?  What
   about compiling SQLite by itself such that it can be used by unmanaged
   VS2008 code and by managed VS2015 code?

Compile question:

Looking at the sqlite-netFx-source- projects, there are lots and
lots of options, too many for me to get my head around, so I have questions
there, too:

   1. I assume I should be using the SQLite.NET.2012.MSBuild.sln, not
   the SQLite.NET.2012.sln, correct?
   2. I see three configurations: Release, ReleaseManagedOnly,
   ReleaseNativeOnly.  Which one should I be using?
   3. The reason for compiling the SQLite is I need to compile some
   optional features to the settings I need them, I assume I put that into
   the  SQLite.Interop.2015 project, correct?

Thanks for your help!!!!

Pax vobiscum,
Sam Carleton
sqlite-users mailing list

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