On Sunday, 9 June, 2019 05:20, Manuel Rigger <rigger.man...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Consider the following example:

>INSERT INTO t0(c0) VALUES (x'41'); -- 'A' if converted to TEXT
>SELECT (+ c0) IS c0 FROM t0; -- expected: 0, actual: 1

>I would expect that a row with a value 0 is returned. I suspect that
>this is a misunderstanding on my side, rather than a bug, which is 
>why I didn't directly open a bug report.

Quite correct, this is not a bug.  The +c0 is an expression having no affinity. 
 A binary comparison of the expression +c0 (which means simply to change the 
type to an expression and the affinity to none) to the value of the column c0 
which has affinity blob (but the same binary representation) results in an 
"equal" result.  (IS is the same as == but with nulls comparing equal).  
Remember that "no affinity" and "affinity none" are the same as "blob 
affinity", the former cases having been renamed to the latter because "affinity 
none" was such a difficult concept.

sqlite> select typeof(c0) from t0;

sqlite> .eqp full
sqlite> select (+c0) IS c0 from t0;
`--SCAN TABLE t0 (~1048576 rows)
addr  opcode         p1    p2    p3    p4             p5  comment
----  -------------  ----  ----  ----  -------------  --  -------------
0     Init           0     15    0                    00  Start at 15
1     OpenRead       0     2     0     1              00  root=2 iDb=0; t0
2     ColumnsUsed    0     0     0     1              00
3     Explain        3     0     0     SCAN TABLE t0 (~1048576 rows)  00
4     Noop           0     0     0                    00  Begin WHERE-loop0: t0
5     Rewind         0     13    0                    00
6       Noop           0     0     0                    00  Begin WHERE-core
7       Column         0     0     2                    00  r[2]=t0.c0
8       Column         0     0     3                    00  r[3]=t0.c0
9       Eq             3     1     2     (BINARY)       e2  r[1] = (r[2]==r[3])
10      ResultRow      1     1     0                    00  output=r[1]
11      Noop           0     0     0                    00  End WHERE-core
12    Next           0     6     0                    01
13    Noop           0     0     0                    00  End WHERE-loop0: t0
14    Halt           0     0     0                    00
15    Transaction    0     0     1     0              01  usesStmtJournal=0
16    Goto           0     1     0                    00

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

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