On 12 Jun 2019, at 2:35pm, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> IEEE754 floating point numbers have separate representations for +0.0
> and -0.0.

Like other people I am concerned at confusion when various different parts of 
the engine try -0 == +0 or -0 < +0 .  I suspect that however you implement it 
it would lead to posts complaining that SQLite does it wrong.

Do you intend to model the other special values IEEE754 has ?  +ve and -ve 
infinity ?  Quiet and signalling Not A Numbers ?  If so, there might be some 
use to documenting that SQLite REALs are exactly IEEE754 and do everything they 

If not, then the fact that IEEE754 is used internally to SQLite, as both a 
storage format and a math library, is an implementation detail and may change.  
What might be useful instead is to define a new storage class called I754 which 
implements all the features of IEEE754 exactly, leaving the original REAL alone.

Just my 2c.
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