Dr. Richard Hipp, on Monday, April 29, 2019 09:18 AM, wrote...​
> On 4/29/19, Jose Isaias Cabrera <jic...@outlook.com> wrote:​
> >​
> > I know I can probably use cygwin to run this tool, but plain Windows is not​
> > an option, right?​
> >​
> ​
> Althttpd is built around fork().  Windows does not support fork().​
> The cygwin implementation of fork() is convoluted, and I suspect slow,​
> though I have not actually confirmed that.​
I built it in cygwin and it's working like a charm.  I have not tried to work 
hard, but it's working ok on a Windows 10, 4G Mem, 2.40GHz Dual CPU. I will let​
you know if something goes wrong with fork().  Thanks for all the wonderful​
you have given the world.​
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