Your nested select statement wants to return many rows. Technically I think
this is illegal SQL (?), but it looks like SQLite is being lax about this
as usual and doing what it normally does in this sort of situation: picks a
row at random from the inner select.

Your statement is more or less equivalent to:
SELECT DISTINCT refVolume FROM cosSquered WHERE (refVolumn
CAST(10*cosSquared AS INT)) = (SELECT refVolume, 9 FROM cosSquared LIMIT 1)

The statement that will output the same same list of refVolumes is:
SELECT DISTINCT refVolume FROM cosSquared WHERE CAST(10 * cosSquared AS
INT) = 9

On Tue, 18 Jun 2019 at 16:44, Roman Fleysher <>

> Dear SQLiters,
> I can not figure out what I am doing wrong. In testing, I simplified to
> the following:
> CREATE TABLE cosSquared(refVolume INT, vecVolume INT, cosSquared REAL);
> SELECT refVolume, CAST(10*max(cosSquared) AS INT) FROM cosSquared GROUP BY
> refVolume;
> refVolume   CAST(10*max(cosSquared) AS INT)
> ----------  -------------------------------
> 2           9
> 3           9
> 4           9
> 5           9
> .............
> 31          9
> 32          9
> 33          9
> That is, we see that for refVolumes between 2 and 33, the value of the
> CAST() is always 9. Thus, I expect the following statement to output the
> same list of refVolumes. But it does not:
> SELECT DISTINCT refVolume FROM cosSquared
>  WHERE (refVolume, CAST(10*cosSquared AS INT)) = (SELECT refVolume, 9 FROM
> cosSquared);
> refVolume
> ----------
> 2
> What am I doing wrong? I am using version 3.16.
> Thank you for your help,
> Roman
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