*First, version numbers:*
My desktop is running: Linux Mint 19.1 with the MATE 1.20.1 user interface,
Kernel 4.15.0-52 Generic x86_64
The network machine is running: Linux Mint 18.3 with the MATE 1.18.0 user
interface, Kernel 4.4.0-141 Generic x86_64
SQLite Version 3.22.0
DB Browser for SQLite Version 3.10.1
Python 3.6.8

*Second, never assume:*
It may not be 'recommended' to access a sqlite database file on a network
share but that makes a lot of assumptions.

The target sqlite3 database file is on a samba network share and mounted on
desktop with the following command:
sudo mount -o username=[myname],password=[mypw] -t cifs //[ipaddress]/kwpvr
The file is marked readwrite for owner, group and others: -rw-rw-rw- 1
[myname] [myname] 40960 Jul 3 19:25 kwpvr3.db
The samba share is marked to allow create, delete and guest access
In Caja I can create, copy, delete, rename any file on that share.

When I open the file in DB Browser for SQLite I can browse the tables but I
can not change anything.
The error is: "attempt to write a readonly database"

In python I use the following line to open a sqlite connection:
sql3conn = sqlite3.connect("file:" + cfg["dbfile"] + "?mode=rw", uri=True)
That opens and works on a local file but not on the mounted file system.
I get the same error as above when trying to update a record.

So I fell back to the lowest common denominator: the SQLite3 command line
Works fine locally but on the mounted file system I get the same error.
sqlite3 "file:/mnt/kwpvr/kwpvr3.db?mode=rw" "UPDATE Configuration SET
KeyValue='test' WHERE key='Active';"

Is this the intended behavior of sqlite3 or is this something unique to the
linux platform?
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