
I'm going to use sqlite as means of the file format I/O for
applications. One of the critical points in file I/O is saving the
file in a safe way, so that data loss cannot happen (or at least the
risk of happening is minimized as much as possible). Traditionally,
some applications save their files with a temporary name, so that in
the case of system failure you don't lose the old file and the new
file at the same time, and then, when the file saving is finished, the
old file is deleted, and the temporary one is renamed to replace it.

I have read the backup API page (https://www.sqlite.org/backup.html)
that shows how to read a sqlite db from disk to memory, and how to
save it back to disk, but it doesn't talk about the topic of
performing the save in a safe way.

Do you have any recommendation for saving the inmemory db in a safe
way? (by "safe" I mean I don't want the to lose both the old db file
and the inmemory one --however losing the inmemory db would be
reasonable, as it's what obviously happens in a power outage if you
didn't save before).

Would you do it with the sqlite API, or with the OS system calls?

Another scenario of interest would be if the db is really huge and you
consider the possibility of not overwriting the whole old file, but
just committing the changes, in order to save unnecessary disk writes.
The FAQ explains about atomic sqlite writes into the db that also
prevent data loss... but... can you do that with an inmemory db? how?

Thanks in advance!!

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