On July 15, 2019 12:01:00 a.m. EDT, "J. King" <jk...@jkingweb.ca> wrote:
>On July 14, 2019 11:56:15 p.m. EDT, Donald Shepherd
><donald.sheph...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>Somewhat bizarrely only "BLOB" affinity doesn't make it from the
>>table to the new table when using the "select" syntax to create the
>>table.  Even items with aliased affinities (VARTEXT, or something that
>>defaults to NUMERIC) comes across as the base affinity but at least
>>have an
>>This is simple to reproduce:
>>sqlite> .version
>>SQLite 3.29.0 2019-07-10 17:32:03
>>zlib version 1.2.11
>>sqlite> create table x(a int, b text, c real, d blob, e vartext, f
>>sqlite> pragma table_info(x);
>>sqlite> create table y as select * from x;
>>sqlite> pragma table_info(y);
>>sqlite> select * from sqlite_master;
>>table|x|x|2|CREATE TABLE x(a int, b text, c real, d blob, e vartext, f
>>table|y|y|3|CREATE TABLE y(
>>  a INT,
>>  b TEXT,
>>  c REAL,
>>  d,
>>  e TEXT,
>>  f NUM
>>sqlite-users mailing list
>Blobs have no affinity. The result you're seeing is correct, just
>represented in a surprising way. 
>J. King
>sqlite-users mailing list

I misspoke. Blobs have an affinity historically called NONE (which is distinct 
from no affinity, but that's not relevant here). Presumably SQLite represents 
the BLOB affinity as null as a means of saying "NONE", again for historical 
J. King
sqlite-users mailing list

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