Hello, i Built sqlite for android studio following this
<https://sqlite.org/android/doc/trunk/www/install.wiki> guide with geopoly
enabled . i wrote a simple app that had 1 databse with two tables one was a
standard table with 4 columns the other i created with "using geopoly " and
an extra column for the custom id by following this
<https://www.sqlite.org/geopoly.html> guide. All querries including
insertions  executed succesfully.
But when i called the "select * from polygon_table"  it displayed an error
message saying "Error: no such module: geopoly".
Veiwing the table with  a GUI sqlite browser showed all tthe data entered
int the first table was available and only the data(custom id) entered into
the second column of the geopoly_table was available but under different
colmun names in a different table called geopoly_table_rowid, the other
column of the geopoly_table_rowid was populated with BLOB .
I fell like am missing something small was inquiring if you could help me.
Thanks in advance
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