> On Jul 17, 2019, at 9:29 AM, Micah Moore <mmo...@zetetic.net> wrote:
> Attempting to use SQLite version 3.29.0 amalgamation in a [Catalyst](
> https://developer.apple.com/ipad-apps-for-mac/ 
> <https://developer.apple.com/ipad-apps-for-mac/>) based project -- targeting
> UIKit for macOS -- fails with the error "'gethostuuid' is unavailable: not
> available on UIKit for macOS"

That's not an error, it's a warning. And it always occurs when building for iOS.

 It looks like you're building SQLite from source (why? it's already available 
as a dynamic library on Apple platforms) — you'll need to turn off -Werror 
("Treat warnings as errors".)

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