On Tuesday, 30 July, 2019 15:40, Olivier Mascia <o...@integral.be> wrote:

> Keith, in the context of WAL mode, I fail to see why it would be
> beneficial to obtain any lock immediately, when the transaction being
> setup using BEGIN (DEFERRED) is intended to only read.  Until it
> actually has started to read (which it will always be able to do),
> why would it matter that a writer did write and commit between the
> "reader" BEGIN and its first read?  What do I miss here?

BEGIN [[DEFERRED] [TRANSACTION]] does not acquire any locks when it is 
executed.  The locks are acquired by the first statement thereafter that 
requires some locks (be they a shared lock as in a SELECT statement or shared 
and intent locks if the statement is an UPDATE statement)  This, of course, 
means that any statement subsequent to the begin may fail because if cannot 
acquire the locks it requires -- even the first SELECT statement if some other 
connection currently holds an EXCLUSIVE lock (such as during a commit or after 
the commencement of a cache spill by another connection when not in WAL journal 

BEGIN IMMEDIATE [TRANSACTION] acquires the shared and intent locks immediately 
and if it succeeds, then the following statements will also succeed (up until 
the commit or an update statement which has to spill the cache since when in 
regular journal mode a lock escalation to exclusive is still required to write 
the actual database, and a concurrent shared lock will prohibit that -- though 
in WAL mode the commit will not fail either).

Theoretically, a BEGIN IMMEDIATE SHARED TRANSACTION would guarantee that 
subsequent SELECT statements cannot fail because a shared lock cannot be 
acquired, since that lock will already be held.  

I do not personally see the benefit of moving the repeatable read guarantee to 
the BEGIN point rather than the first database read after the BEGIN because 
only fully committed transactions will be visible anyway -- and if there are 
dependencies between transactions (that is it takes multiple transactions to 
validly mutate database state) then the problem is that the transaction design 
is flawed, and not that the repeatable-read is being commenced at the wrong 

I can see where a BEGIN IMMEDIATE SHARED would be useful in non-WAL mode 
though.  I will grant that there may be cases where it might be useful in WAL 
mode, even though I cannot think of any.

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