On Wednesday, 31 July, 2019 10:21, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

>But I think the BEGIN command can be retrofitted without breaking
>backward compatibility.  The words WRITE and IMMEDIATE should be seen
>as options.  WRITE means that you want a write lock as well as a read
>lock.  IMMEDIATE means that you want it now, rather than when the
>first command of the transaction requires a lock.  Use neither,
>either, or both.  And EXCLUSIVE gets parsed as IMMEDIATE WRITE.  Thus
>existing programs continue to do the same thing they always did.

BEGIN [DEFERRED] [TRANSACTION] is the current default and means defer acquiring 
locks until they are required.
BEGIN IMMEDIATE [TRANSACTION] is currently implemented and acquires a SHARED 
and an INTENT lock immediately.
BEGIN EXCLUSIVE [TRANSACTION] is currently implemented and acquires an 
EXCLUSIVE lock immediately.

I believe the idea would be to permit syntax something like:


which would allow the specification of the type of lock to immediately acquire, 
either a simple shared lock, or the shared and intent locks as is currently 
done.  The only change would then be that BEGIN IMMEDIATE SHARED [TRANSACTION] 
would immediately acquire a shared lock.  All else would remain unchanged.

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
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