On one database instance, a .dump command gives me (among many other lines) 
things like:

    INSERT INTO STATISTICS VALUES(11237795927160,11868);

while the output of .recover command gives me things this way:

11237795927160, 11868 );

I'm wondering why these differences in the way to construct the instructions to 
rebuild a sound database instance. What are the (probably rightful) motivations?

1) Why 'STATISTICS' (and not STATISTICS as in .dump command)? If escaping 
wanted, why not double quotes instead of single quotes?
2) Why do the insert statement prefer to name and repeat, ad nausea, the column 
names on each insert when, apparently, the shortcut syntax capitalizing on the 
known column order in the schema might seem much less verbose?

On the real DB I quickly tested .recover on (with no reason, I have nothing to 
recover, just testing the feature) I had an issue while rebuilding a new DB 
from the script made by .recover. I got foreign key constraint failures (which 
I have not yet traced exactly).

sqlite> .once system.sql
sqlite> .recover

sqlite3 recover.db
sqlite> .read system.sql
Error: near line 14658: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed
Error: near line 14659: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed
Error: near line 14660: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed
sqlite> .q

While doing the same kind of work around .dump worked nicely:

sqlite> .once systemd.sql
sqlite> .dump

sqlite3 dump.db
sqlite> .read systemd.sql
sqlite> .q

The source test db passes successfully those tests:

sqlite> pragma integrity_check;
sqlite> pragma foreign_key_check;
sqlite> .dbconfig
       enable_fkey on
    enable_trigger on
    fts3_tokenizer off
    load_extension on
  no_ckpt_on_close off
       enable_qpsg off
       trigger_eqp off
    reset_database off
         defensive off
   writable_schema off
legacy_alter_table off
           dqs_dml off
           dqs_ddl off

Again, I have no recovery to attempt for now. I was just exercising the 
.recover feature for learning, using a db I'm not suspecting of anything.

Best Regards, Meilleures salutations, Met vriendelijke groeten, Mit besten 
Olivier Mascia

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