I can run sqlite3.exe on a remote server with a remote desktop connection but 
when I try using Enter-PSSession, using the same credentials, the sqlite3.exe 
gives no output and no exitcode. However, if I use the -version option it 
dutifully reports the version.  I have tried search engines, but seem unable to 
find an answer for why sqlite3 doesn't appear to run over a session.
Can anyone point me in the right direction, I would like to use a simple 
console rather than a console within a remote desktop.

Here is the example output after connecting with Enter-PSSession.

[lab-6]: PS C:\...\utilities> dir sqlite*

    Directory: C:\...\utilities

Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
----                -------------     ------ ----
-a---         7/22/2019   6:46 PM       6010 sqlite3.def
-a---         7/22/2019   6:46 PM    1902080 sqlite3.dll
-a---         7/22/2019   6:36 PM     947712 sqlite3.exe
-a---         7/22/2019   6:36 PM    2014208 sqlite3_analyzer.exe

[lab-6]: PS C:\swimage\release\utilities> .\sqlite3.exe -version
3.29.0 2019-07-10 17:32:03 
[lab-6]: PS C:\...\utilities> .\sqlite3.exe dummy.db
[lab-6]: PS C:\...\utilities> $LastExitCode

Here is the same when using Powershell through remote desktop connection.

PS C:\...\utilities> .\sqlite3.exe -version
3.29.0 2019-07-10 17:32:03 
PS C:\...\utilities> .\sqlite3.exe dummy.db
SQLite version 3.29.0 2019-07-10 17:32:03
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .q
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