Nathan Kurz wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 16, 2005 at 10:22:42AM +0000, Robin Breathe wrote:
>> I'm intrigued to know how you loaded the additional shared library with
>> your sqlite3(1) shell... is it simply a case of linking another library
>> to it post installation, and if so how do you register the user
>> functions that library contains?
> Unfortunately it's not a capability that comes built in.  I wrote a
> simple patch to add 'pragma load_library(library)' that will
> dynamically load a library and then call a register function in that
> library.  It's not complicated, but I presume my implementation is
> Linux specific.  But it wouldn't be hard to do for other platforms.
> The patch is attached, in case it helps you or anyone else.  I think
> this would be a useful feature to add to SQLite, but I can also see
> how it might be considered feature creep.  One might also need a
> greater level of platform specific handling than used in the rest.
> But if you are using Linux and need the capability, try the patch!


That's great, a nice simple implementation. It doesn't look too
desperately Linux specific, I see no reason it wouldn't work on
*BSD/Solaris too - I shall test later.

Robin Breathe, Computer Services, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       Tel: +44 1865 483685  Fax: +44 1865 483073

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