On Mon, 12 Aug 2019 at 16:55, Kira Backes <kira.bac...@nrwsoft.de> wrote:

> > When you do not use explicit transactions, SQLite will automatically
> create implicit transactions.
> But the documentation only says that an implicit transaction is
> created for data-changing queries like INSERT:
> https://www.sqlite.org/lang_transaction.html
> > Any command that changes the database (basically, any SQL command other
> than SELECT) will automatically start a transaction if one is not already
> in effect

Yeah I see what you mean... That sentence should not be taken in isolation,
but I agree it's misleading! It's clarified a few paragraphs down (after
noting that a "deferred" transaction is the default mode of operation):

Thus with a deferred transaction, the BEGIN statement itself does nothing
> to the filesystem. Locks are not acquired until the first read or write
> operation. The first read operation against a database creates a SHARED
> <https://www.sqlite.org/lockingv3.html#shared_lock> lock and the first
> write operation creates a RESERVED
> <https://www.sqlite.org/lockingv3.html#reserved_lock> lock.

I think the initial statement should read:

"Any command that changes or reads the database will automatically start a
transaction if one is not already in effect"

Because the actual SQL command is irrelevant -- you can still run
INSERT/CREATE or other queries which represent write operations on a
database which is EXCLUSIVELY locked by another process, as long as the
query only involves temporary tables (which is kind of a cop-out because
such queries don't have to touch the database, but it just further
highlights the fact that DB access/modification is the crucial component
and not the SQL command).

Btw your original comment said "as far as I can tell this is not documented
anywhere," but the behaviour is unsurprising after understanding sqlite's
locking model, which is documented here:


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