On 8/10/19, Kevin Martin <ke...@khn.org.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a without rowid virtual table with an implementation of xColumn that
> begins with
> if(sqlite3_vtab_nochange(ctx)) return SQLITE_OK;
> If I try to perform an update on this table that doesn't involve a primary
> key change, then my understanding from the documentation is that xUpdate
> will be called and the value of argv[0] and argv[1] will be the same. What I
> am seeing is that argv[1] is set an sql null value, although when I call
> sqlite3_value_nochange(argv[1]) I do get true returned.
> Am I therefore right in thinking that the correct detection of whether there
> is an update without a primary key change when using sqlite3_vtab_nochange
> is actually
> sqlite3_value_nochange(argv[1]) || values_are_equal(argv[0], argv[1])

I think that is correct.

Honestly, when I invented the sqlite3_vtab_nochange() mechanism, I
intended it to be used for auxiliary columns that were expensive to
compute.  Example:  In the zipvfile virtual table (used to read/write
ZIP archives), if you want to update the access permissions on a file,
you shouldn't have to load and decompess the complete content of that
file as part of the UPDATE operation.  sqlite3_vtab_nochange()
facilitates such optimizations.

But it never occurred to me that somebody might do this on the PRIMARY
KEY.  I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work, though.

D. Richard Hipp
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