Thank you Keith for your answer. It has led me to more questions.

"though you may or may not have visited all rows"
From the documentation I did not get the impression that you would ever not
visit ALL ROWS at least once. Is there a technical reason for this? I would
assume a full table scan is walking the un-ordered leaf pages of the B*

"Your outer query should probably be "select auth_id, expiration from
AuthTable where expiration <= ? order by +auth_id, +expiration" and binding
current_time as the parameter since there is no point in retrieving rows
that you will not be updating is there?  "
You are correct that does make sense. I guess I was trying avoid any
ambiguities of a WHERE clause on the SELECT because I do not understand its
behavior in this circumstance.

You mentioned two database connections to the same database. Is this going
to work if I am using Threadsafe mode = 0? Would the second connection be
done through an attach?

Does this conversation change if I wrap the whole select and updates in one
transaction? e.g. BEGIN...END


On Sun, Sep 1, 2019 at 1:32 AM Keith Medcalf <> wrote:

> > Having read :
> > Specifically the line "And the application can UPDATE the current row
> > or any prior row, though doing so might cause that row to reappear in a
> > subsequent sqlite3_step()."
> > Is it possible to create and endless loop
> Eventually you will have no more rows to update and therefore the
> underlying structures become stable and the select loop will eventually run
> out of rows, though you may or may not have visited all rows, and may visit
> some rows two or more times (once before update and more than once after).
> If you change the outer query to "select auth_id, expiration from
> AuthTable order by +auth_id, +expiration" then you will PROBABLY never have
> a problem since the results will LIKELY be from a sorter and not from the
> underlying table, and therefore mutation of the underlying tables and
> indexes will not interfere with the result of the outer select, even if
> those mutations affect the AuthTable or the indexes on it.  Some SQL
> varients use a FOR UPDATE clause on a SELECT to tell the query planner that
> you intend to dally-about with the underlying datastore without having the
> proper isolation in place.  The SQLite way of doing this is by requesting a
> row sorter not dependent on indexes by using the +columnname syntax in an
> order by on the select.
> Your outer query should probably be "select auth_id, expiration from
> AuthTable where expiration <= ? order by +auth_id, +expiration" and binding
> current_time as the parameter since there is no point in retrieving rows
> that you will not be updating is there?
> The correct solution is, of course, to use separate connections so that
> you have isolation between the select and the updates.
> You SHOULD be executing the outer select on one connection and the updates
> on another connection.  This will work for journal mode delete unless the
> number of changed pages is too large to fit in sqlite's cache, in which
> case you may get an error from the update statement when it needs to spill
> the cache, and you will need to kaibosh the whole thing and do the updates
> in smaller chunks by putting a limit on the outer select and looping the
> whole thing until there are no more rows to process.  (or increase the
> cache_size to be sufficient).
> You can avoid that particular problem by having the database in
> journal_mode=WAL in which case you can even process each update in its own
> transaction if you wish (get rid of the db2.beginimmediate() and
> db2.commit(), though then you will have to handle the eventuality of
> getting errors on the UPDATE).
> db1 = Connection('database.db')
> db1.executescript('pragma journal_mode=WAL;')
> db2 = Connection('database.db')
> current_time =
> current_time_plus_one_year = current_time.add(years=1)
> sess_id = ... some constant ...
> db2.beginimmediate()
> for row in db1.execute('select auth_id, expiration from authtable where
> expiration <= ?;',
>                        (current_time,)):
>     db2.execute('update authtable set sesCookie = ?, expiration = ? where
> auth_id = ?;',
>                 (generate_ses_id(sess_id), current_time_plus_one_year,
> row.auth_id,))
> db2.commit()
> --
> The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says
> a lot about anticipated traffic volume.
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