
There are functions to format numbers as text times and/or dates,
but I can't find equivalent ones to parse those text times/dates back to

I wanted to sum durations expressed as HH:MM:SS.SS strings, and I was
a function parsing such a string into a number of seconds for example, but
find one. Sure you can take apart the string with substr() and cast then do
the math
easily via verbose SQL, but why?

I ended up massaging those text durations as CSV in VIM to decompose them
then did what's below, but my question is really why the "reverse" of
is not part of SQLite itself? Seems to me so "natural" it should be, I
wonder if I'm
not missing some obvious way to do this more easily with SQLite?

Thanks, --DD

sqlite> create table vs (id number primary key, hh, mm, ss, cs);
sqlite> .mode csv
sqlite> .import time-elapsed.txt vs
sqlite> .mode col
sqlite> .header on
sqlite> select * from vs limit 10;
id          hh          mm          ss          cs
----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
1           00          00          02          68
14          00          00          00          78
12          00          00          02          31
4           00          00          06          36
5           00          00          08          01
8           00          00          09          36
9           00          00          09          79
11          00          00          13          62
10          00          00          17          50
33          00          00          07          86
sqlite> select id, hh||':'||mm||':'||ss||'.'||cs as "elapsed",
cast(hh*(60*60)+mm*(60)+ss as number)+cs/100.0 from vs limit 10;
id          elapsed      cast(hh*(60*60)+mm*(60)+ss as number)+cs/100.0
----------  -----------  ----------------------------------------------
1           00:00:02.68  2.68
14          00:00:00.78  0.78
12          00:00:02.31  2.31
4           00:00:06.36  6.36
5           00:00:08.01  8.01
8           00:00:09.36  9.36
9           00:00:09.79  9.79
11          00:00:13.62  13.62
10          00:00:17.50  17.5
33          00:00:07.86  7.86
sqlite> select id, hh||':'||mm||':'||ss||'.'||cs as "elapsed",
hh*(60*60)+mm*(60)+ss+cs/100.0 from vs limit 10;
id          elapsed      hh*(60*60)+mm*(60)+ss+cs/100.0
----------  -----------  ------------------------------
1           00:00:02.68  2.68
14          00:00:00.78  0.78
12          00:00:02.31  2.31
4           00:00:06.36  6.36
5           00:00:08.01  8.01
8           00:00:09.36  9.36
9           00:00:09.79  9.79
11          00:00:13.62  13.62
10          00:00:17.50  17.5
33          00:00:07.86  7.86
sqlite> select sum(hh*(60*60)+mm*(60)+ss+cs/100.0) as total from vs;
sqlite> select time(sum(hh*(60*60)+mm*(60)+ss+cs/100.0)) as total from vs;
sqlite> select max(hh*(60*60)+mm*(60)+ss+cs/100.0) as total from vs;
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