After long time I have set up development environment properly and I am
able to start to study your queries.

I am lost. I don't either understand the first bunch of subqueries... (
What is returned in the "ratetoprior"? I have been pulling my hair over 3
hours trying to figure it out ... no clue what it means.

with pwr (timestamp, reading, ratetoprior) as
        select julianday(timestamp),
  select  (c.total_kwh - p.total_kwh) / (julianday(c.timestamp)-
                  from power as p
                 where julianday(p.timestamp) < julianday(c.timestamp)
              order by julianday(p.timestamp) desc
                 limit 1
          from power as c
      order by julianday(timestamp)
select * from pwr

On Tue, Sep 3, 2019 at 1:11 AM Keith Medcalf <> wrote:

> On Monday, 2 September, 2019 12:26, Petr Jakeš <>
> wrote:
> >Yes, you are right. The error is connected with the version  of
> >SQLite. Now I am trying to build DB Browser using SQLite version 3.29.0.
> >Than I have to study your code. Your knowledge and SQL Windows
> >functions are over my scope. Thank for the study material for next
> weekend :D
> Here is another example for you to ponder that uses your original table
> and requires one index.  It builds the "pwr" view dynamically but uses the
> ratetoprior to compute the instant readings and only needs one window query
> to compute the usage from two readings.  Performance is half way between
> the other two examples:
> create index if not exists power_jd on power (julianday(timestamp),
> total_kwh);
> with pwr (timestamp, reading, ratetoprior) as
>      (
>         select julianday(timestamp),
>                total_kwh,
>                (select (c.total_kwh - p.total_kwh) /
> (julianday(c.timestamp) - julianday(p.timestamp))
>                   from power as p
>                  where julianday(p.timestamp) < julianday(c.timestamp)
>               order by julianday(p.timestamp) desc
>                  limit 1)
>           from power as c
>       order by julianday(timestamp)
>      ),
>      periods (timestamp) as
>      (
>          select julianday(date(min(timestamp), '-1 day') || '
> 23:59:59.999')
>            from pwr
>       union all
>          select julianday(datetime(timestamp, '+1 day'))
>            from periods
>           where timestamp < (select max(timestamp) from pwr)
>      ),
>      readings (timestamp, reading) as
>      (
>       select timestamp,
>              (select reading - (b.timestamp - p.timestamp) * ratetoprior
>                from pwr as b
>               where b.timestamp >= p.timestamp
>               limit 1) as reading
>         from periods as p
>        where timestamp between (select min(timestamp) from pwr)
>                            and (select max(timestamp) from pwr)
>     ),
>     used (timestamp, kwh) as
>     (
>       select timestamp,
>              reading - lag(reading) over ()
>         from readings
>     )
>   select datetime(timestamp),
>          kwh
>     from used
>    where kwh is not null;
> --
> The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says
> a lot about anticipated traffic volume.
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