On Tuesday, 22 October, 2019 23:24, Doug <dougf....@comcast.net> wrote:

>Please explain one phrase in the select:
>  total(1) over (partition by city_txt, mode_txt)
>Is "total" a function and does "1" refer to city_txt?
>I can't wrap my head around what's going on with this phrase.

total() is a built-in aggregate like sum() -- there are just some minor (but 
important) differences.

sum() returns NULL if there was nothing to sum.  Also, if the values were all 
integers and the result fits in an integer, an integer is returned.

total() returns 0.0 if is has nothing to total, and the returned value is 
always floating-point.

So total(1) means the floating-point value of adding up all the 1 values ... 
that it, it is count(*) in floating-point, or basically cast(count(*) as float) 
but somewhat shorter.

This is because the integer expression 37/154 has the integer result 0, however 
the floating point expression 37.0 / 154.0 has result 0.24025974025974

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume. 

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