On 10/30/19, Darren Duncan <dar...@darrenduncan.net> wrote:
> Ideally a PRIMARY KEY would have no restrictions that a UNIQUE constraint
> lacks;
> they are conceptually the same thing, a subset of the columns of the row
> that
> uniquely identifies the row in the table, and designating one as PRIMARY is
> completely arbitrary in that sense.

For rowid-tables in SQLite, the PRIMARY KEY is really just a UNIQUE
constraint.  But that is kind of a bug that is retained for historical
compatibility - not something to be proud of.  Let's ignore that case
for the moment.

In a WITHOUT ROWID table, the PRIMARY KEY really is the key used by
the B-Tree algorithm to locate records on disk.  Hence, the PRIMARY
KEY really does need to be stored on disk.  Theoretically, one could
have the B-Tree algorithm itself compute the values of keys
on-the-fly.  But that is not possible in SQLite without significantly
rearchitecting the system.  Expressions are evaluated using multiple
opcodes in the bytecode engine, but B-Tree search is a single opcode.
It is unclear how the B-Tree engine could be convinced to run multiple
byte-code operations in response to each key comparison.

All that said, it wouldn't really be a problem use a STORED generated
column as a PRIMARY KEY, since the value of the STORED column is
sitting there on disk and is hence readily available to b-tree.  In
fact, that might just work if I merely remove the restriction.  But
using a VIRTUAL generated column as a PRIMARY KEY would be an issue.

D. Richard Hipp
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