On Thursday, 31 October, 2019 07:17, Jeffrey Walton <noloa...@gmail.com> wrote:

First, your question should go to the sqlite-users mailing list, not the 
developers mailing list.

>I'm having trouble binding a parameter for a DELETE. I am trying to
>delete records older than 120 days. Below, I have a table with a
>column dtime of type DATETIME. days is a dirty parameter specified by
>the user.

See https://sqlite.org/datatype3.html

>    /* negative for days in the past */
>    int days = 120;
>    days = -days;

>    const char DELETE_STMT[] = "DELETE from blacklist " \
>        "WHERE dtime < datetime('now', '? days');";

This statement contains no parameter.  You have a string constant with a ? 
character inside the string.  Parameters go outside of constants, not inside 
them.  Perhaps try something like this (which will work only if days is 

    const char DELETE_STMT[] = "DELETE from blacklist " \
        "WHERE dtime < datetime('now', ? || ' days');";

You would not expect this to work would you:

     int days = -120;
     printf("Days = days\n");

>    rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(conn, DELETE_STMT, -1, &stmt, NULL);
>    if (!SQLITE_SUCCESS(rc))
>    {
>        log_error("Failed to prepare query, Error (%d): %s\n",
>            rc, sqlite3_errmsg(conn));
>        errs++; goto finish;
>    }
>    rc = sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 1, days);
>    if (!SQLITE_SUCCESS(rc))
>    {
>        log_error("Failed to bind days, Error (%d): %s\n",
>            rc, sqlite3_errmsg(conn));
>        errs++; goto finish;
>    }
The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume. 

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