Along those lines SQLite includes the reverse_unordered_selects pragma
which will flip the order it sends rows in queries that don't explicitly 
specify an ordering. It's there to assist you in finding spots in your code 
where you might be relying on implicit ordering when you really shouldn't be.

Also available as a compile time option: SQLITE_REVERSE_UNORDERED_SELECTS

-----Original Message-----
From: sqlite-users <> On Behalf Of 
Simon Slavin
Sent: Thursday, November 7, 2019 12:16 PM
To: SQLite mailing list <>
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Deterministic random sampling via SELECT

On 7 Nov 2019, at 1:56pm, David Raymond <> wrote:

> Others will correct me if I'm wrong on that.

No correction, but I wanted to add something.

According to the theory of how SQL (not just SQLite, SQL) works, tables have no 
order.  You can, in theory, query a table of 100 rows with


ten times and get ten different answers, including different rows and/or the 
same rows in different orders.  Given some of the text in the post that started 
this thread, I just wanted to make sure this was understood.

In practise I have never seen a SQL engine which does this.  Each SQL 
implementation seems to return the same result every time you repeat the same 
query.  Though different SQL implementations can return different results.

You'd have thought that at least one server/client system would return five 
rows which happened to be in the cache, but I've never seen this.
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