On 8 Nov 2019, at 12:03am, Roman Fleysher <roman.fleys...@einstein.yu.edu> 

> I am using command line sqlite3 with -vfs unix-none. This disables locking 
> within SQLite. Instead, locking is provided externally by FLoM (distributed 
> file lock manager). I asked questions in a thread "disable file locking 
> mechanism over the network".

Is SQLite telling FLoM when it should place or remove a lock ?  If not, how 
does FLoM know ?

Do you have more than one process which might write to the database ?

Do all your processes which write to the database close their connections 
correctly ?  Do they check the result codes from their calls to see if SQlite 
successfully closed the database ?

> It is possible that FLoM has bugs and mismanaged locks. As a result, the 
> database is now empty. PRAGMA integrity check shows the database is intact. I 
> would expect it to be corrupt. The only DELETE operation in the queries was 
> to delete a single row:
> Could this DELETE actually delete entire content of a table if lock is 
> mismanaged?

It could, though it is unsual.  Have you run the analysis program on the file 
to find out more about it ?


It could allow you to distinguish between a table with no rows in, and a table 
with lots of deleted rows in.
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