> On Nov 8, 2019, at 11:57 AM, Jose Isaias Cabrera <jic...@outlook.com> wrote:
> Is there any way that SQLite can read a file on a Sharepoint site? ie 
> https://some.site.com/sites/ROC/Docs%20comp/Shared.Projects_DB.sqlite3<https://iberdrolaus.sharepoint.com/sites/ITPMOGovernance-ROC/Documentos%20compartidos/Meetings%20about%20MS%20Teams/Shared.PMOProjects_DB.sqlite3>
> <https://some.site.com/sites/ROC/Docs%20comp/Shared.Projects_DB.sqlite3%3Chttps://iberdrolaus.sharepoint.com/sites/ITPMOGovernance-ROC/Documentos%20compartidos/Meetings%20about%20MS%20Teams/Shared.PMOProjects_DB.sqlite3%3E>
>  Thanks.

Download the file over HTTP and then open the local file with SQLite, is the 
obvious answer.

If you really wanted to you could write custom code to download from HTTP into 
memory and then open it as an in-memory database, but that doesn't seem to have 
any real advantages.

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