Simon Slavin, on Thursday, November 14, 2019 06:48 PM, wrote...
> On 14 Nov 2019, at 10:27pm, Jake Thaw, on
> > Why not like this?
> >
> > insert into t (a, b, c, d, e, idate)
> > SELECT a, b, c, 'y', e, '2019-02-12' FROM t WHERE a = 'p001' ORDER BY
> > idate desc limit 1;
> Dammit.  I thought I had tried this, and received a syntax error.  Now I see 
> that it was because I missed out a comma.  Thanks for the correction.

That just lets you know that you are a human. ;-)

> Good illustration of why responses should go to the list rather than direct 
> to the OP.

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