In the following update query, I had expected for the integer values "rowid" from the table "info" to project copies of themselves singly and separately into the integer cells "info_id" of table "qso", row-by-row, where the timestamps "t_from" of each are matching.

UPDATE qso SET info_id = (
    SELECT info.rowid FROM info, qso WHERE info.t_from = qso.t_from
WHERE qso.t_from = info.t_from;

They do not. Instead what happens, is that the integer value "rowid" from table "info" of first row in which the timestamps "t_from" of table "qso" and table "info" are matching goes multiply into all cells "info_id" of table "qso".

How can I instead get what I want?


Gan Starling, KY8D

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